senha virtual

Queue Management System

Queue Management System

Virtual Ticket

Virtual Ticket

Virtual Ticket

Icon senha virtual, circulo com desenho de telemóvel com senha virtuais no ecrã

Do you want to avoid queues in your establishment or store?

With the Virtual Ticket web application it is possible to obtain a virtual ticket for the desired service, without the need to be physically present at the location, allowing the user/costumer to more easily manage the waiting time for the chosen service, thus being able to enjoy and use the waiting time for other tasks.

Virtual Queue System
Don’t wait, make the tickets available on your cell phone now

Get started now with one-click service

Get started now with one-click service

A QR Code is available in the front store window, where the customer can easily scan it with his smartphone.

After reading the QR Code, you are directed to a website where you can choose the service for which you want to issue the ticket.

Intuitive and easy to use, the system allows you to issue multiple virtual tickets for various services, with notifications of next time being sent individually to each of them.

senha virtual
senha virtual

The application allows a virtual ticket to be dispensed and the waiting time to be monitored in real time via the mobile device.

Applicable to various types of commerce and retail that work with various services, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, bakeries, etc.

senha virtual

Virtual Ticket

With this system, you have the advantage of issue a virtual ticket, without touching any object, as well as avoiding crowds of people and waiting for your turn in a safe place.

You can also use the waiting time to do other tasks as you will be notified when your turn is near.

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital   Notification that your service is coming

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital   Reduction of real and perceived waiting times

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital   You can take out multiple tickets for multiple services at the same time

senha virtual
Gestão filas, sistema de senhas, icon circulo com senha


System that manages waiting queues in a multi-counter and multi-service environment.

Icon fila única / single queue, circulo com desenho de ecrã e chamada de senha


Fast and efficient queue management, without the need for a ticket. First come, first served.

Icon Avisos SMS, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e SMS


SMS notification that your turn is coming. A simple solution to make the wait less tedious.

Icon Inquérito de satisfação, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e aplicação para avaliar o atendimento


System for evaluating employee performance and customer satisfaction. Fully customizable.

Gestão filas, sistema de senhas, icon circulo com senha


System that manages waiting queues in a multi-counter and multi-service environment.

Icon fila única / single queue, circulo com desenho de ecrã e chamada de senha


Fast and efficient queue management, without the need for a ticket. First come, first served.

Icon Avisos SMS, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e SMS


SMS notification that your turn is coming. A simple solution to make the wait less tedious.

Icon Inquérito de satisfação, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e aplicação para avaliar o atendimento


System for evaluating employee performance and customer satisfaction. Fully customizable.

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