sistema de senhas
sistema de senhas

Queue Management System

Queue Management System

Ticketing System

Ticketing System

Ticketing System

Gestão filas, sistema de senhas, icon circulo com senha

Queue management system is a solution that both allows the creation and application of statistical data on the effectiveness and productivity of employees, besides managing the waiting queues in an environment with multiple counters and services.

The queue management system provided by Ztech enables the definition of attendance priorities by services and counters and the control of dropouts, allowing the management of customers flow through waiting queues with the issuing of tickets that define the order of attendance.

The benefit of this type of system is the reduction of waiting times, increasing levels of satisfaction, while reducing operational costs and allowing customers a real-time decision-making.

Organized service, happy customers

Waiting is boring. Our system allows you to organize your service while minimizing the feeling of waiting.

Efficiency and resource optimization

Increased efficiency in customer service, contributing to the improvement in the quality of the service provided and customer satisfaction.

Activity analysis and statistical data

Integrated statistical information from the entire service process, allowing adjustments and improvements if necessary.

Tailor made solutions to your needs

We customize all our solutions with your brand’s visual identity. Because each client is unique.

Organized service, happy customers

Waiting is boring. Our system allows you to organize your service while minimizing the feeling of waiting.

Efficiency and resource optimization

Increased efficiency in customer service, contributing to the improvement in the quality of the service provided and customer satisfaction.

Activity analysis and statistical data

Integrated statistical information from the entire service process, allowing adjustments and improvements if necessary.

Customization and design tailored to your needs

We customize all our solutions with your brand’s visual identity. Because each client is unique.

sistema de senhas

Queue Management
and Corporate TV

Queue Management
and Corporate TV

With queues system, integration with the content management system and corporate television is possible, thus combining two efficient means for communicating with the public.

While the customer is not being served, the waiting time is reduced by the presentation of visual, informative, or entertainment content, which entertains and informs.

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Promotional, informational content, etc.

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Lower perceived waiting time

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Wait less boring

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Effective and dynamic communication

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Influences. Informs. Entertain.

Integrable solution with several components, for a 100% effective and tailored solution

Our customer service management system can be integrated with the various modules that make up the Ztech solution. Can also be used separately, the various components work as a whole making it a powerful service management tool.

Software for attendance and queue management

Software for attendance and queue management

We have our own software to manage your attendance in the most efficient way possible.

With zQueue, in addition to the call for tickets, definition of services and organization of attendance, etc., it is possible to create several users with different levels of permission, generate and analyze statistical data such as waiting and attendance times, number of tickets attended per employee, service, etc. This allows you to have an overview of the efficiency levels of the attendance and implement improvements if necessary.

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  SMS Alerts

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital Satisfaction Survey

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Reports and Statistical Data

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Ticket call by beep or voice

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Virtual Ticket via cell phone

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Integration with content management system

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Integration with third-party applications (CRM’s, Webservices, etc.)

Ztech icon circle Gestão de Atendimento Televisão Corporativa Montra Digital  Solutions customization with your brand identity

Icon fila única / single queue, circulo com desenho de ecrã e chamada de senha


Fast and efficient queue management, without the need for a ticket. First come, first served.

Icon senha virtual, circulo com desenho de telemóvel com senha virtuais no ecrã


Touchless system, can remove ticket for various services with turn-arrival notification.

Icon Avisos SMS, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e SMS


SMS notification that your turn is coming. A simple solution to make the wait less tedious.

Icon Inquérito de satisfação, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e aplicação para avaliar o atendimento


System for evaluating employee performance and customer satisfaction. Fully customizable.

Icon fila única / single queue, circulo com desenho de ecrã e chamada de senha


Fast and efficient queue management, without the need for a ticket. First come, first served.

Icon senha virtual, circulo com desenho de telemóvel com senha virtuais no ecrã


Touchless system, can remove ticket for various services with turn-arrival notification.

Icon Avisos SMS, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e SMS


SMS notification that your turn is coming. A simple solution to make the wait less tedious.

Icon Inquérito de satisfação, circulo com desenho de telemóvel e aplicação para avaliar o atendimento


System for evaluating employee performance and customer satisfaction. Fully customizable.

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